Resolute Square

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btb tim ryan
The Culture Has To Change
Former Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan talks with Ken about the quality of American life, divisions within both parties and how American culture has made a turn for the worse over the last few decades.
April 11, 2023
The Enemies List
The Race After Indictment Palooza
Trump's indictment generated a slew of news coverage from across the political spectrum, but does it hurt or help him? Rick talks with Tara Setmayer, Lincoln Project Sr. Advisor, about Trump, the media, and the danger of comparing Donald to Jesus, and DeSantis' sinking hopes and poll numbers.
April 10, 2023
That Trippi Show
MAGA Kryptonite
This week, Joe Trippi discusses the key takeaways from the elections in Wisconsin and Chicago, as well as the two major issues that will dominate 2024 and how they can be used to take down Trump.
April 7, 2023
NY Young Republicans Issue a Fascist Statement
The language of NY Young Republicans echoes the rhetoric of past fascist leaders. Ruth Ben-Ghiat exposes these similarities and warns against ignoring the signs.
April 6, 2023
Rhetorical Tricks New
Oh Yes, He’s The Great Pretender
America has a President of the United States and a Pretender in the United States. When it comes to Trump, playing pretend is no game and this time, the media can't come to play.
April 6, 2023
How Do We Save Democracy? We Do The Work.
On Tuesday, Democratic voters showed up in huge numbers and gave liberals in Wisconsin's Supreme Court the majority for the first time in over a decade. Victor Shi explains how Democrats can continue wins in unexpected places around the country.
April 6, 2023
The Lurid Spectacle Of Trump
Rick Wilson wants the GOP to slow down and rubberneck at the disaster that is Donald Trump, their all-but-sure nominee in 2024. They thought they could turn the page, but they forgot that Trump wrote the book on keeping all attention focused on him.
April 6, 2023
The Simple, Brutal Math Of Ohio's New Voter Suppression
Republican-blessed new voter ID rules go into effect this week in Ohio and the results are devastating. They hope you won't notice.
April 6, 2023
Rick Wilson's Enemies List
Talk Of Violence In Speeches As A Directive Not A Joke
Resolute Square partner and author Stuart Stevens joins Rick to talk about the Trump indictment and the subsequent calls to violence that have come from the Right. And a political "party" made this week's Enemies List. We'll give you three guesses.
April 5, 2023
Witch Hunt! Exposing Republican Propaganda about Trump's Indictment and Charges
Political persecution, Democrats as tyrants, and other authoritarian talking points to incite the faithful.
April 4, 2023
Brett Jones: First Openly Gay Navy SEAL Slams Trump's Bigotry
Brett Jones, author of Pride: The Story of the First Openly Gay Navy SEAL, talks with Ken about the discrimination he faced first as a SEAL and then in the CIA in the bad old days of "Don't Ask. Don't Tell," and slams the bigotry Trump is encouraging today.
April 4, 2023
Contemplation of Justice
There Is A Method To The Madness (Along With Actual Madness)
As Trump finds himself adjusting to the reality of being a criminal defendant, he will try to bait his critics into helping him attack the 'system' that he wants to dismantle.
April 3, 2023
Rick Wilson's Enemies List
Living Aggrieved
On the heels of Trump's indictment, Rick turns to comedian and screenwriter, Jay Black, for a bit of levity. They talk, and laugh, discussing Trump, Don Jr, Desantis, and more that will keep you chuckling. And, Rick is torn between two enemies. Find out who made the list.
April 3, 2023
That Trippi Show
"The Trump Trap"
Trump's grabbed the headlines -- are we doomed to fall into the Trump trap again? Joe talks how we beat him and why few challengers will step up - and why it won't matter that DeSantis did. Plus why all eyes need to be on Wisconsin on Tuesday.
March 31, 2023
We All Know He Did It, Even MAGA.
Of course, Trump paid off Stormy Daniels to save his political aspirations. He should go down for it, but there's too much good in America for us to go down with him.
March 31, 2023
desantis chubby cheeks
DeSantis Is The Great Red Wave Of The 2024 GOP Primary
Like the Great Red Wave of 2022, Ron DeSantis's campaign is crumbling right before our very eyes to the chagrin of the Republican media machine and donors ready to move past Trump.
March 31, 2023
Triumph of the Will, Waco Version: Trump's Fascist Leader Cult
In transmuting violence into patriotism, Donald Trump channels Nazi Germany and fans the flames of fascism in America.
March 30, 2023
For Anyone Questioning Gen Z’s Commitment to America: DON’T
Neither hot takes, nor lazy takes are helpful in understanding Gen Z, what motivates their activism, or how to reach them.
March 30, 2023
Covenant Presbyterian Church/School
The Maria Von Trapp Method for Gun Control
Some things are so difficult and overwhelming that you don't even have a sense of where you should start. When this happens the best thing to do is always start at the beginning.
March 30, 2023