Resolute Square

Reed Galen

Resolute Square Partner, veteran political strategist and co-founder of The Lincoln Project

About Reed Galen

Reed Galen is an independent political strategist and co-founder of The Lincoln Project. A veteran public affairs and political professional with more than 20 years’ experience, Galen has spent more than a decade advising Fortune 50, 100, and 1000 companies in need of high-level counsel in the fields of strategic communications, procurement, and legislation.

Follow @reedgalen
MAGA: The Devil's Brew
How the Far Right and Trump Found Each Other
November 1, 2023
What Stuart's Watching
Just how badly is the House's insanity wounding the GOP?
October 25, 2023
What Rick's Watching
There's a new No Labels "plan" and it's dangerous absurdity at a whole new level.
October 25, 2023
Strategy Session: The GOP Threat to Democracy
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

There is a global battle against democracy and the GOP is weakening American democracy and our influence and credibility around the world. The Republican House is melting down, Biden has a Dem challenger - at least for now - and No Labels has a new "plan." Rick, Reed, Stuart, and Joe to break down the strategy to fight back.
October 24, 2023
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session: Oct. 17, 2023
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Speaker Jordan? Really?! Rick, Reed, Stuart, and Joe sift through the debris of this Republican majority House, and talk about how this mess ripples out into a world at war. Watch The Strategy Session, tonight at 7p ET.
October 17, 2023
On Israel, Biden Blames Hamas. Republicans Blame Biden*
Reed Galen writes: "Remember that for MAGA, all is projection. What the Israelis and Ukrainians are fighting in their homelands is the same type of regime Donald Trump and his acolytes will impose on America should they return to power."
October 12, 2023
The Four Things We Can Do
Reed shares a message from a friend in Israel and some sound advice for action we can take in reaction to the Hamas attack and the attack on our democracy by the GOP here at home.
October 11, 2023
Strategy Session: All The Autocrat's Men
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

When the world needs American leadership the most, the GOP House is in shambles (serious, Gym Jordan for Speaker?), our military undermined by Republicans, and our foreign service is threadbare, and ego-driven conspiracy theorists like RFK, Jr. are mounting 3rd party bids. Fortunately, President Biden is the most experienced president in foreign policy in decades. Is it enough to fight the damage Trump and his autocratic movement are trying to inflict on global stability? Reed, Rick, Stuart, and Joe
October 10, 2023
Strategy Session: Trump Gagged And Speaker Silenced
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Quite a day for the MAGA GOP - their de facto nominee for the 2024 Presidential election slapped with a gag order while attending one of his many upcoming trials and McCarthy is out as Speaker. What does it mean? What's next. Our strategists break it all down.
October 3, 2023
What We're Tracking - And Why You Should
Our strategists sift through the meaningless and noise and focus on what really matters and must be watched this week.
September 27, 2023
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session: Shutdown, showdowns, and Swifties for Democracy
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Trump can't legally buy a gun while the Dems can't stop shooting themselves in the foot with their criticism of Biden and foolishness of playing footsie with a Biden primary challenge. As Rick would say, #GetYouShitTogether. From a potential shutdown to a fire sale on Trump properties, this episode has it all. And who knew our strategists are Swifties?! Join us every Tuesday at 7 PM ET for new episodes of The Strategy Session LIVE.
September 26, 2023
Joe Biden The Good
Reed Galen explores how Joe Biden's ability to understand and stand up to Trump's tactics makes his reelection the only choice for America's stability and democracy.
September 21, 2023
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session: Sept. 19, 2023
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Catch up on the latest from Rick, Reed, Joe, and Stuart!
September 19, 2023
The Truth About No Labels
Reed Galen: "A third-party ticket can’t win the Presidency. It has never before happened in American history. Despite their protestations that they don’t need to get to 50% + 1 of voters, just to say, 35%, there is no chance of this happening."
August 31, 2023
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session: Trump's Fear Of Premature Incarceration
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Trump just keeps court. With a trial date in March '24, two YEARS sooner than he wanted, his fears of premature incarceration (before he can pardon himself) are growing. And boundaries are forming on the map of '24, and it's shaping up to be one hell of a weird / bad / consequential / violent / impossibly important year for our democracy. Join Rick, Stuart, and Joe with special guest Jeff Timmer for your weekly forecast.
August 29, 2023
The Milwaukee Debate: Trumpetto and his Dummies
"Donald Trump doesn’t need to attend the debate to be the center of attention; more proof the Republican presidential nomination is his to lose," write Reed Galen and Andrew Wilson.
August 23, 2023
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session: Debate Prep with Rick, Reed, Stuart, & Joe
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

The first GOP debate is on and the star is sure to be the elephant not in the room, Donald Trump. Reed, Rick, and Stuart took the lid off the good, bad, ridiculous, and traumatic of decades of debate prep, including for multiple POTUS candidates.
August 22, 2023
The Donald Went Down to Georgia (Looking for Ballots to Steal…)
The recent indictments of Trump, Giuliani, and their cronies for attempting to overturn the 2020 election expose the dangerous threats they pose to our democratic system.
August 17, 2023
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session: Aug. 15, 2023
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

It's Trump's fourth set of indictments this year, but it is still anything but normal. Rick, Joe, Reed, and Stuart break down what happened, who they left out, and Trump's strategy of defiance.
August 15, 2023
Strategy Session: August 8, 2023
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

The guys were joined by special guest David Pepper for a fantastic election night show to talk about the OH GOP's abomination - Article 1 - that would strip majority rule from the people of Ohio. David's showing how you get it done on the state level - prepare to be inspired!
August 8, 2023
Strategy Session: The Dark Days Of Donald Trump
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

The team brought fire tonight in the aftermath of Trump's latest indictments - along with six co-conspirators. The stakes couldn't be higher for America; Rick, Reed, Stuart, and Joe pull back the curtain on those looking to end democracy.
August 1, 2023
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session: Pro-Slavery, Antisemitism, Voter Suppression: Must Be MAGA
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

The Right keeps moving the bar (or the Overton Window) on what defines going too far - a classic fascist tactic. Can any challenger take Trump out and does it even matter? Rick, Reed, Stuart, and Joe on this and more on the latest Strategy Session.
July 25, 2023
No Labels: The Devil is in the Details
"For an organization steeped in Beltway elites, past-their-prime career politicians, and shady billionaire funders, it’s hard to imagine they’d let the great unwashed masses play with their toy," writes Reed Galen.
July 20, 2023
Strategy Session with Special Guest: Sen. Doug Jones
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Former Alabama Democratic Senator Doug Jones joined The Strategy Session to discuss No Labels and the damage they could inflict on our democracy. And the Senator puts on his prosecutor's hat and talks Trump's latest target letter.
July 19, 2023
Strategy Session: The Smart Way To Fight Stupid
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Pres. Biden & Tommy Tuberville offer a sharp contrast in priorities, leadership, and intellect between Dems and the MAGA GOP. Could these opposing styles, viewpoints, and competency give us a glimpse into the strategies of either side going into ‘24? How do you fight stupid? Reed, Rick, Stuart, and Joe have got the answers.
July 11, 2023
Trump Whiter House Dinner
To MAGA, Democracy Is A Four Letter Word
Republicans' interpretation of the Constitution is simply another way to change the rules to enshrine their own power even as the country evolves into a multiracial democracy, write Reed Galen.
June 29, 2023
Strategy Session: Trump's See Tapes
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Rick, Reed, Stuart, and Joe are talking Trump tapes, Wagner's march on Moscow, a SCOTUS ruling that's good for democracy (really!), and how the right has turned faith and freedom on their heads.
June 28, 2023
Strategy Session: RFK, Jr.: The Money And The Motives
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is walking us all to the edge of a flat Earth, promising to push us into the abyss. Sadly - but not surprisingly - a lot of folks have volunteered to jump on his behalf. Strained analogy aside, what path does RFK Jr. see forward? What's really behind his run? Reed, Rick, Joe, and Stuart break down the past, present, and future of America's official Chief Conspiracist. Plus, famous Trump fighter...Bret Baier?
June 20, 2023
Strategy Session: Trump Arraigned (Again)
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Trump has graduated from being arraigned on New York State charges related to hush money payments to a stripper to an arraignment on a 37-count federal grand jury indictment related to his (mis)handling of classified documents - including charges under the Espionage Act. Our strategists have thoughts.
June 13, 2023
The Strategy Session: Trump's Federal Indictment
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

The Federal Indictment of Trump is shocking in what it contains, but conviction is far from certain. So what does it mean politically for Trump, the GOP field, and is this a distraction for Dems or exactly what they need? Watch this special Indictment episode with Rick, Reed, and Stuart.
June 9, 2023
Joe Biden’s Multi-Front War
Not to be outdone in the realm of dangerous and malevolent behavior, No Labels, the so-called ‘centrist’ organization led by two ex-communicated Democratic grandees, is preparing the ground for a third-party candidate to run next year, writes Reed Galen.
June 8, 2023
Strategy Session: The Challengers
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

What to make of the ever-expanding Republican presidential field? Magical thinking? Vying for Veep? Pure narcissism? Our strategists discuss the hopefuls, the hopeless, and the egomaniacal potential spoilers.
June 6, 2023
The Strategy Session, May 30, 2023
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Can Biden get the Debt Ceiling agreement across the finish line? Will No Labels mean no Biden second term? And Josh Hawley's giving lessons on masculinity? Eesh. Our strategists have feelings they're not hesitant to share.
May 30, 2023
The Strategy Session: They Aren't Bringing Their Best
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

As the GOP field expands (DeSantis? Youngkin? Scott? 🙄), Trump continues his grip on the GOP base. Can DeSantis appear human? What's Elon's angle? Is Tim Scott looking for a VP slot? Rick, Stuart, and Joe discuss that and more!
May 23, 2023
The Strategy Session: Roadmap for Victory
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

The GOP and MAGA are unserious and dangerous. Everything is on the line, and decisive wins in '24 are essential. The strategy team dropped so much great advice and actionable truth in this episode. The road ahead is long, but they've got a map!
May 16, 2023
Voting Rights March
Stand Up And Stand Out
Reed Galen writes that it is our job to stand up and say 'No' to MAGA's efforts to create fear and chaos. When they want us huddled inside, we go outside in our communities and show that together we are stronger than they are.
May 11, 2023
Strategy Session: America Off The Cliff?
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

The danger of MAGA continues to increase from the debt ceiling crisis to actual violence in the streets. Join Stuart Stevens, Reed Galen, Rick Wilson, and Joe Trippi as they identify the dangers and discuss how to fight back. Watch The Strategy Session, Tues. at 7p ET.
May 9, 2023
Strategy Session: Kevin's Choice and Trump's Town Hall
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Kevin McCarthy faces a choice: blow up the entire world economy or risk losing his job as Speaker. CNN is also facing a problem of their own making: how to keep a Trump Town Hall from being a firehose of unchecked lies. The guys have some thoughts. Surprise!
May 2, 2023
The Enemies List
The Compounding Of Crazy
The Enemies List

Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

Reed Galen joins Rick to talk about the recent firing of Tucker Carlson and where he may end up next, Kevin McCarthy and his debt ceiling gambit, and Biden's re-elect campaign announcement.
May 1, 2023
Strategy Session: Biden's In! Tucker's Out! What's next for '24?
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

The only thing that could overshadow Tucker's dismissal is Biden's '24 announcement. Let's go, Joe! What does Biden's campaign look like? What should it look like? Can the glitches in the DeSantis bot be fixed or has Trump already won? The guys were on fire tonight. Catch up now!
April 25, 2023
Charlottesville Unite the Right
MAGA's Moral Wasteland
The GOP has ripped empathy, decency, and good public policy out by the roots, exposing the party as the "moral wasteland" that it is.
April 20, 2023
Strategy Session: The Insanity Wrap-Up
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Fox lies. Trump lies. No Labels lies. Thomas lies. It can feel insane and like the liars are winning - Rick, Reed, Stuart, and Joe explain why the liars aren't winning and why they won't.
April 18, 2023
The Strategy Session: Republican Self-Owns And Shark Jumping
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

What the Tennessee GOP thought was a master stroke was really a colossal self-own and Republicans keep doubling down on policies Americans oppose. What do Dems do with this? Reed, Stuart, Joe, and Rick talk strategy to win the future.
April 11, 2023
MAGA's Black Hole
After nearly a decade, Republican leaders have succumbed to the MAGA force, crossed the boundary into fascism, and have neither the desire nor the ability to escape.
April 11, 2023
Trump's "Final Battle" and the Long Road to '24
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Where will Trump's "Final Battle" lead America and the GOP primary? Is DeSantis about to launch his campaign or self-destruct? Rick, Reed, Joe, and Stuart debate whether there's a path forward for anyone not named Trump and to what lengths Trump will go to make sure that doesn't happen.
March 28, 2023
Remembering WACO
There are no accidents when it comes to the locations Trump chooses for his rallies. Playing the victim, exploiting the Branch Davidian tragedy in Waco, TX, and using it to enrage and incite his MAGA horde is exactly what we should have come to expect.
March 24, 2023
The GOP's Epidemic Of Unseriousness
You don't play games with Putin. Full stop. It shouldn't even need to be said of a man directing his country to commit genocide against its peaceful neighbor. But, Reed Galen writes, the GOP 2024 presidential primary contenders are a collection of unserious people basing everything on pleasing MAGA and nothing in fact, policy, or ethics.
March 16, 2023
Strategy Session: The Perfect Campaign
Everybody Has A Plan Until They Get Punched In The Mouth
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

The philosopher Mike Tyson was right -- how you react to the punch in the mouth is everything in boxing - and presidential primaries. Who do Rick, Reed, and Stuart think can take a proverbial punch? Will anyone step into the Trump haymaker of lies? And just how colossal a miscalculation was DeSantis' bid for the Putin endorsement?
March 14, 2023
Trump Thumbs Up
The Groundhog Campaign of 2024
They've learned nothing. The GOP is repeating the 2016 strategic mess that got Trump elected the first time. Reed and Rick write that Republicans are acting out the definition of insanity: doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
March 9, 2023
CPAC & The Night of Long Knives
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

With CPAC in the rearview mirror, it's clear that the GOP is pushing purity onto the party. We know where this leads because we've seen it happen before. The threat is existential. Reed Galen, Joe Trippi, Trygve Olson, and Stuart Stevens discuss why the absurdity of CPAC isn't all that funny. Tuesday, March 7, 7p ET.
March 8, 2023
CPAC Is Coming To Tell Us America Sucks
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Rick and Stuart discuss the cowardice of Ron DeSantis, MAGA as the America Sucks Party, and how CPAC has gone from fringe to frightening.
March 2, 2023
Ukrainian Soldiers in car
Fight Like A Ukrainian
Ukrainians fight and die – with guns, bullets, and missiles. We fight with words and political campaigns. If they lose their fight, we’ll lose ours. If we lose our battle, we’ll end up fighting as they do.
February 24, 2023
Ukraine: A Year of Blood
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Reed Galen, Rick Wilson, Stuart Stevens, and Joe Trippi take a look back - and ahead - at Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine in the latest Strategy Session.
February 22, 2023
Third Party Fever Dreams
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

In 121 years, third-party candidates have won 186 Electoral Votes. Total. That's it. And 88 of those went to Roosevelt, who had already been president. Stuart Stevens, Rick Wilson, and Joe Trippi looked into the past, present, and future catastrophes of the third party. It's not pretty.
February 14, 2023
And Like That,They’re Gone; Larry Hogan, Chris Sununu, and the Myth of the “Good Republican”
The two dozen or so ‘moderate’ House Republicans raced to line up behind McCarthy as he sold the House to MAGA. There is nothing moderate or brave about sitting in the majority playing blind, deaf, and dumb while your party shreds the Republic.
February 10, 2023
What Don Will Do To Ron
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

ICYMI: Tonight's show was FIRE!! The guys talk about the food and freak fight of the Republican primary and it doesn't end well for Ron.
January 31, 2023
Rick Wilson
Calling Out Crazy
"That's not conservative. That's bleeping crazy."
January 25, 2023
Trump, MAGA, and GOP Hopefuls Are Sharpening Their Knives
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

The attack ads targeting Biden are will be coming fast, furious, and sooner than you think. Rick Wilson and Reed Galen talk Biden vulnerabilities and what Joe and the Democrats must do to win a fight where democracy is on the line.
January 24, 2023
Taylor Greene with Santos
Waiting For The GOP To Change? Snap Out Of It!
More than half of McCarthy’s conference voted not to certify the free and fair 2020 election. These are not normal people and they will not change.
January 19, 2023
Strategy Session four-box
Strategy Session Lightning Round
Who will be the last two standing in the GOP POTUS Primary?
January 12, 2023
Trump ugly
Trump Sees Weakness As Opportunity
Anyone GOP challenger to Trump in '24 better be prepared to be savaged with lies on the debate stage when he smells weakness.
January 12, 2023
Strategy Session
TONIGHT: Why '23 Will Decide '24
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Bold GOP Presidential Primary predictions were made in this latest episode of the Strategy Session. Rick Wilson, Reed Galen, and Stuart Stevens, along with host Lisa Senecal, discuss why 2023 will likely decide 2024, and Rick predicts who the last two standing will be - and DeSantis isn't one of them.
January 10, 2023
McCarthy and Trump pointing
Vampires In The House
McCarthy has become the very thing that is keeping him from his dream job: A self-interested nihilist will to do and say anything for his own power.
January 5, 2023
Voter Registration
Turning The Page
Progress was made in 2022, but in 2023, the pro-democracy movement has more of a role to play than at any time in the last decade.
December 29, 2022
Marjorie Taylor Greene swearing in
Charge Of The Crazed Elephants
Kevin McCarthy's "great appeasement" of the crazy is in full swing and it's only going to get worse.
December 20, 2022
Pro-Trump Protestors
You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet
If you think MAGA has reached its maximum crazy potential? Reed Galen tells us the worse is yet to come.
December 13, 2022
Trump's Got Their Tongues
Trump dining with antisemites should surprise no one, and neither should the feckless response from the GOP. Reed Galen calls it out.
November 29, 2022
Strategy Session
How To Run For President
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Tara talks with Stu and Reed about Trump's troubles, McCarthy, and how to run for president
November 23, 2022
Party Like It’s 2015
Welcome to the “Establishment” wing of the Republican Party. You know, the “good Republicans.”
November 22, 2022
Rupert v Trump
Rupert might think he can get in Trump's head, but Trump knows if he clears the field, they'll all fall in line.
November 19, 2022
He's Back
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

On this special episode of the Strategy Call, Tara and they guys dig into the fallout from “Florida Man’s” announcement. They take you inside the room to dissect the strategy behind the Biden Administration and Rupert Murdoch’s reaction to Trump’s announcement. And what’s going on with that DeSantis ad?
November 18, 2022
The Strategy Call
Strategy Call Premiere Episode
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

On the premiere episode, Tara Setmayer takes you inside the room with Rick Wilson, Reed Galen, Stuart Stevens, Joe Trippi, and Maya May, as they talk strategy about the GOP implosion after the midterm, the return of the orange one, and more. This is a free preview of our subscriber-only weekly event.
November 16, 2022
Right Wing Media Organizations
Why We Need Resolute Square Now
It's not enough to defeat them at the ballot box. It's time to take on their puppet masters - the MAGA media overlords.
November 14, 2022
The Enemies List
Red Wave or Red Mirage
The Enemies List

Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

In this special pre Election Day episode, Rick and political strategist Simon Rosenberg talk about the upcoming mid- terms. Why isn’t the media pushing back on right wing propaganda on who’s ahead in the polls? What does record early turnout mean? The right seems to have more to spend on everything, including polling. So, is it a red wave as the right claims or will it end up being a red mirage. Also, Lincoln Project confounder Reed Galen joins Rick for a special day before Election Day episode to chat about Trump announcing, how so many races are polling within the margin of error and too close to call.
November 7, 2022
Strategy Session: Ask Us Anything
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Your great questions helped our strategists cover a lot of ground on the issues important to us all, and to democracy: Trump v DeSantis, DeSantis' hate campaign against LGBTQ community, roll back of our rights, SCOTUS, No Labels, Bidenomics, and much more!