Resolute Square

The Strategy Session: Republican Self-Owns And Shark Jumping

Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Published:April 11, 2023
What the Tennessee GOP thought was a master stroke was really a colossal self-own and Republicans keep doubling down on policies Americans oppose. What do Dems do with this? Reed, Stuart, Joe, and Rick talk strategy to win the future.



Defending Democracy
Defending Democracy
Democracy is under attack. The authoritarian GOP knows they can't win if democracy does, so they attack voting rights and Civil Rights. They are wrong. We are right.
Ron DeSantis
Ron DeSantis
The 2nd term Governor of Florida and reason that the state has one of the highest death rates per capita from COVID-19. When Ron isn't convincing people to congregate unmasked during a pandemic, he's practicing his mini-me Trump impersonations both legislatively and physically by arresting Black voters his administration approved to vote and tormenting the LGBTQ community in hopes of one day being America's favorite authoritarian. Never. Going. To. Happen.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Twice-impeached 45th POTUS and wannabe authoritarian dictator who orchestrated a violent insurrection to overthrow the US Government in order to remain president despite losing re-election to Joseph R. Biden by 7,059,547 votes.
The National Rifle Association (NRA) is a pro-arm-everyone organization and an effective means of enriching its evil overload, Wayne LaPierre. Though based in the US, it funnels foreign money into American political campaigns, primarily those of Republicans, of which it owns many. The organization also seems to have difficulty not being infiltrated by Russian spies, which does make the, perhap faulty assumption, that they would want to weed them out. See: Maria Butina
Wayne LaPierre
Wayne LaPierre
Wayne LaPierre is the grossly over-compensated CEO of the "arm them all, let God sort it out" group, also known as the NRA.
Rick Wilson
Rick Wilson
Resolute Square Partner, political strategist, and co-founder of The Lincoln Project
Stuart Stevens
Stuart Stevens
Resolute Square Partner and Lincoln Project Sr. Advisor
Joe Trippi
Joe Trippi
Resolute Square Partner and The Lincoln Project stalwart described as the man who “reinvented campaigning”