Resolute Square

Dan Barkhuff, M.D.

Founder of Veterans For Responsible Leadership, ex Navy Seal, and medical doctor.

About Dan Barkhuff, M.D.

Dan Barkhuff is an Emergency Medicine physician, a graduate of Harvard Medical School, and an ex-Navy SEAL with 8 years of service and combat deployments in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa. He is the founder of Veterans For Responsible Leadership.

Meet The Veterans For Responsible Leadership Team
An Accountable America Podcast

VFRL's An Accountable America Podcast

Several members of the Veterans for Responsible Leadership team join founder and President Dr. Dan Barkhuff to share their stories, experiences, reasons for joining and what they hope to accomplish by being a part of VFRL.
December 21, 2023
An Accountable America Podcast
Diversity is a Strategic Asset for the US Military, with Bobby Jones
An Accountable America Podcast

VFRL's An Accountable America Podcast

Retired Commander Bobby Jones, a twenty-year veteran of the US Navy and former surface warfare officer, joins former Navy SEAL and VFRL President Dan Barkhuff along with Iraq veteran and historian Jason Belcher to explain why diversity is a strategic asset for the U.S. military.
December 8, 2023
The Consequences Of Doing The Right Thing With Nick Francona
An Accountable America Podcast

VFRL's An Accountable America Podcast

Former Navy SEAL and VFRL President Dr. Dan Barkhuff and Iraq veteran Jason Belcher are joined by Nick Francona, a former U.S. Marine officer and veteran of Afghanistan, to discuss good decision making under duress and doing the right thing even under stressful conditions.
November 16, 2023
The Importance Of Moral Courage, with Ken Harbaugh
An Accountable America Podcast

VFRL's An Accountable America Podcast

Former Navy SEAL and VFRL President Dr. Dan Barkhuff and Iraq veteran Jason Belcher are joined by Ken Harbaugh, a former Naval Aviator, attorney, and non-profit executive, to discuss the significance of moral courage as military members and veterans.
November 2, 2023
Why US Politics Went From Local To Nationalized, With Steve Kornacki
An Accountable America Podcast

VFRL's An Accountable America Podcast

Former Navy SEAL and VFRL President Dr. Dan Barkhuff and Iraq veteran Jason Belcher are joined by Steve Kornacki, MSNBC host, political correspondent, and author who discusses the implications of the shift in American politics from all politics being local to every election being national.
October 19, 2023
An Accountable America Podcast
Ukraine And Russia: A Tale Of Two Armies, With Mark Hertling
An Accountable America Podcast

VFRL's An Accountable America Podcast

Former Navy SEAL and VFRL President Dr. Dan Barkhuff and Iraq veteran Jason Belcher are joined by retired Lieutenant General Mark Hertling, a 38 year U.S. Army veteran and former Commanding General of U.S. Army Europe, to discuss the war in Ukraine by analyzing Russian and Ukrainian military forces.
September 28, 2023
An Accountable America Podcast
Defending American Values, with Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill
An Accountable America Podcast

VFRL's An Accountable America Podcast

Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill, a former Navy helicopter pilot and assistant U.S. Attorney, joins former Navy SEAL and VFRL President Dr. Dan Barkhuff along with Iraq veteran and historian Jason Belcher to discuss her military service and work as a federal prosecutor in defending American values.”
September 7, 2023
An Accountable America Podcast
Making Sense Of The Wartime Experience, With Elliot Ackerman
An Accountable America Podcast

VFRL's An Accountable America Podcast

Journalist, National Book Award finalist, and U.S. Marine Corps veteran Elliot Ackerman joins former Navy SEAL and VFRL President Dr. Dan Barkhuff along with Iraq veteran and historian Jason Belcher to talk about making sense of the wartime experience in Iraq and Afghanistan.
August 24, 2023
An Accountable America Podcast
Explaining the New Anarchy, with Adrienne LaFrance
An Accountable America Podcast

VFRL's An Accountable America Podcast

Executive Editor of the Atlantic Adrienne LaFrance joins former Navy SEAL and VFRL President Dan Barkhuff along with Iraq veteran and historian Jason Belcher to explain what’s behind the rise of political violence in the United States and what it means for the future.
August 15, 2023
An Accountable America Podcast
The Vacation From History Is Over With James Stavridis
An Accountable America Podcast

VFRL's An Accountable America Podcast

Retired Admiral James Stavridis, the former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, joins former Navy SEAL and VFRL President Dan Barkhuff along with Iraq veteran and historian Jason Belcher to share leadership lessons, a strategic assessment of the war in Ukraine, and thoughts on the future of warfare.”
July 20, 2023
Is Being Above The Law The American Way?
Donald Trump and his supporters, collaborators, and enablers argue that Trump is being subjected to a different standard for following the law than others. The truth is different and special treatment is exactly what Trump wants and has come to expect. Dan Barkhuff asks, is that the American way?
June 13, 2023
Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery
Our Friends Did Not Die For America; They Lived For It.
"It’s humbling and impossible: to have to live up to the imagined years of a man or woman who gave up every breath they would ever take to do their part so we didn’t have to," writes Dan Barkhuff.
May 25, 2023
We All Know He Did It, Even MAGA.
Of course, Trump paid off Stormy Daniels to save his political aspirations. He should go down for it, but there's too much good in America for us to go down with him.
March 31, 2023
Betrayal: When Veterans Choose Killing Americans Over Protecting Them
Radicalization takes time, but the initial challenge of finding the freakshow of preppers, anti-government militias, and racists online is a part of the appeal. It bathes the insecure and pathetic in the dopamine of specialness and danger: the danger of “Antifa,” the danger of “communists,” and the “deep state.”
March 15, 2023
Support Ukraine
Moral Clarity In The Most Amoral Of Wars
Putin wrongly believed Trump had made America and NATO weaker and seized the moment to invade Ukraine. Dan Barkhuff writes Putin's miscalculation has united democracies around the world against Russia's criminal invasion and morally indefensible war.
February 20, 2023
Unite The Right Rally
Young, Armed, And Prepared To Defend Their Egos
We as a society must honestly ask ourselves how we deal with the danger of a generation of lost men infatuated with violence and lacking the judgment to know when to use it, who are being actively recruited to commit violence against fellow citizens.
February 8, 2023
Zelenskyy Addresses Congress
An Outsider's Reminder Of Who We Are
Zelenskyy’s speech was a rare chance for America to reflect on an image of self we haven’t seen since the early days following 9/11.
December 29, 2022
Madison Cawthorn dead tree
Real Men Do Not Want To Be Feared
If your definition of "a real man" comes from insecure, foppish charlatans like Gorka, Tate, and Cawthorn, it's time to find new role models who actually are "real men."
December 13, 2022
Gun Violence
Carrying A Gun? That's Not Freedom
Former Navy SEAL, Dan Barkhuff argues that if you think carrying a gun makes you more free, you're doing it wrong.
November 29, 2022


Defending Democracy
Defending Democracy
Democracy is under attack. The authoritarian GOP knows they can't win if democracy does, so they attack voting rights and Civil Rights. They are wrong. We are right.
United States of America
United States of America
Free and Fair Elections
Free and Fair Elections
Even Trump's Justice Department declared the 2020 elections to be free, fair, and with no significant voter fraud. False claims against the validity of our elections by the authoritarian GOP seek to sow distrust and division. We call those "false claims" what they are: lies.
Russo-Ukrainian War
Russo-Ukrainian War
Vladimir Putin’s criminal invasion and ongoing genocide in Ukraine that began in February of 2022. Provoked by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who saw an independent Ukraine’s shift toward democracy and potential expansion of NATO as a threat to his power in the region. Putin’s underestimation of Ukraine’s counter-offensive and global support rallied by Pres. Joe Biden has resulted in a weakening of Putin’s power over the Russian people and the region.
Political Violence
Political Violence
A hallmark of authoritarian and fascist movements is the condoning, encouragement, incitement, and escalation of political violence as an acceptable means of political expression. This has become definitional in today's GOP and it must end.
Addressing Gun Violence
Addressing Gun Violence
Gun violence in the United States results in tens of thousands of deaths and injuries annually and was the leading cause of death for children 19 and younger in 2020. In 2018, the most recent year for which data are available as of 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics reports 38,390 deaths by firearm, of which 24,432 were by suicide.