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  • Lies, Lies, and More Lies
    The Enemies List

    Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

    How do we fact check in an ocean of lies? In this episode Rick is joined by Bill Adair, the founder of PolitiFact and a professor at Duke University, to discuss the growing epidemic of political lying, especially within the Republican Party. They explore the history of political dishonesty, the role of conservative media in amplifying misinformation, and the challenges of fact-checking in an era dominated by figures like Donald Trump. The conversation highlights the danger that widespread deception poses to democracy and addresses the role of new technologies, like deepfakes, in further distorting truth in political discourse. Bill's book, Beyond the Big Lie: The Epidemic of Political Lying, Why Republicans Do It More, and How It Could Burn Down Our Democracy, available now.
    October 21, 2024
  • Will Big Tech Kill Democracy?
    The Enemies List

    Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

    How can big tech and a healthy democracy coexist? In this episode Rick is joined by Marietje Schaake, author of The Tech Coup: How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley. Together, they delve into the growing influence of big tech companies on global democracy, the dangers posed by unchecked data collection, and the rise of tools like Pegasus spyware. Schaake highlights the need for greater transparency, regulation, and accountability in the tech sector, while addressing the potential threats to privacy and democratic freedoms. They also discuss the weaponization of data by companies like Palantir and Cambridge Analytica, as well as potential solutions to safeguard democratic systems in the face of advancing technology. Marietje's book, The Tech Coup: How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley, available now.
    September 30, 2024
  • State-Sponsored Terror Threatens Democracy
    The Enemies List

    Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

    Democracy is under siege, and state-sanctioned vigilantes are leading the charge. In this episode Rick speaks with Jon Michaels and David Noll, authors of the upcoming book Vigilante Nation: How State-Sponsored Terror Threatens Our Democracy. They discuss the alarming rise of state-backed vigilante activities, particularly through laws like Texas SB8, and how these efforts are aimed at achieving authoritarian political control. The conversation explores the MAGA movement's tactics, the threats to democratic institutions, and the potential dangers surrounding future U.S. elections. It's a chilling analysis of how private actors, with state approval, are shaping America’s political landscape.
    September 18, 2024
  • The Front Lines of Democracy
    The Enemies List

    Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

    The front lines in the fight for our democracy is taking place at the state level with a battle for the integrity of a system on the brink. In this episode Rick welcomes Jena Griswold, the Secretary of State of Colorado, for an in-depth discussion about the current state of democracy in the United States. They explore the challenges and successes of election security, the rise of election denialism, and the impact of disinformation and deep fakes on the electoral process. Jena shares insights from her experience in overseeing Colorado's elections, highlighting the importance of maintaining a secure and accessible voting system. She also discusses the ongoing efforts to hold bad actors accountable and the resilience of the American people in defending democratic values.
    July 3, 2024