Resolute Square


  • The Death Of Truth
    The Enemies List

    Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

    Truth in politics has become an oxymoron. In this episode Rick is joined by veteran journalist and author Steven Brill to discuss his latest book, "The Death of Truth." Brill, the founder of NewsGuard, dives into how social media and the internet have become powerful tools for spreading disinformation, influencing politics, and polarizing society. The conversation covers the impact of generative AI, programmatic advertising, and the role of bad actors like Russia, China, and Iran in propagating falsehoods. Brill shares insights on combating these issues, including potential regulatory measures and political reforms. Steven's book, "The Death of Truth," available now.
    June 12, 2024
  • The Pre-War Era: A New Global Conflict Awaits Its Catalyst
    Brian Daitzman examines the tensions between democratic nations and authoritarian regimes, as the global landscape resembles the prelude to World War II. He writes, "These two opposing blocs—the new Axis and Allies— are poised on the brink of global conflict. The critical question remains: what will ignite this confrontation?"
    May 2, 2024
  • Russian Success: Ukraine vs. America
    Stuart Stevens writes that the Ukraine aid "vote is being celebrated as a 'bipartisan' success, a description that obscures the reality that a majority of the Republicans voted as Vladimir Putin would have voted. Today, Bernie Sanders is to the right of the majority of Republicans on Russia. That is extraordinary. How did this happen?"
    April 24, 2024
  • The Diminishing Impact Of The Criminal Defendant Who Won't Shut Up.
    Strategy Session

    Strategy Session

    Rick Wilson and Joe Trippi were joined by special guest Gevin Reynolds to talk gag orders, criminal trials, Ukraine aid, RFK Jr's current spoiler effect, and a diminishing GOP. The calculus of the most consequential election of our lifetimes is changing. Catch up now on this fascinating episode!
    April 23, 2024
  • The Kremlin's Savage Willful Blindness
    How does Putin benefit from a horrific terrorist event in Russia? Brian Daitzman examines the aftermath of the Moscow concert hall attack, Putin's dismissiveness of U.S warnings, and his history of using tragedy for personal gain.
    March 28, 2024