Resolute Square


  • Trump’s Project 2025: Up Close and Personal. Chapter One-Deportation.

    Trump's Project 2025: Up Close & Personal

    In this riveting series premiere of Trump’s Project 2025: Up Close and Personal, follows Ammon Maher, a college student and immigrant, as he is detained and deported without due process because his involvement in past campus protests. This narrative directly reflects Trump's campaign promises to crack down on student protesters and his administration's policies that target undocumented immigrants, including so-called "dreamers." Trump’s Project 2025: Up Close and Personal is available on all the podcast apps and at We'd also like to thank all the artists who volunteered their time to make this episode. Heather Thomas, J. Smith Cameron, Omid Abtahi, Kirk Acevedo and Bayo Akinfemi. Audio finishing by Marilyn Ernst. This series is produced by David Pepper, Melissa Jo Peltier, and Jay Feldman. Trump’s Project 2025: Up Close and Personal is a production of Ovington Avenue Productions and the Bill Press Pod.
    September 18, 2024
  • Strategy Session
    Strategy Session with guest David Pepper
    Strategy Session

    Strategy Session

    Rick, Stuart, Joe, and special guest David Pepper take an up close and personal look at Trump's Project 2025 through stories of its impact on everyday Americans. All twelve chapters of David's brilliant serialized book, "2025: Non-Fiction" have been turned into a riveting podcast series with many pro-democracy celebrities whose voices you'll recognize. The podcast launches today, Sept. 18! The discussion also got into the post-debate polling and what the Harris campaign needs to do to build on momentum through election day.
    September 17, 2024
  • Are Liberal Politics Dead?
    The Enemies List

    Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

    The Democratic party is changing. In this episode of The Enemies List, Rick speaks with historian Timothy Shenk about his new book, Left Adrift: What Happened to Liberal Politics? They explore the evolution of the Democratic Party, shifting from a working-class base to a more affluent, educated coalition, and the challenges that come with this transformation. Shenk delves into the party's struggle to reconnect with working-class voters and the rise of technocratic approaches in politics, while offering insights on how the party can adapt moving forward.
    September 16, 2024
  • Republicans Admit Trump Lost The Debate
    That Trippi Show

    That Trippi Show

    Today, a friend of the show, Trygve Olson, joins us. A few days after the debate, it's safe to say Vice President Kamala Harris shut out Donald Trump in front of over 67 million people on every question answered, so much so that VP Harris received an endorsement from one of the world's most famous people, Taylor Swift. Joe explains how Harris was more prepared than Trump and shows an apparent contrast between the two.
    September 13, 2024
  • Report from the Field: Lifting Democracy in a Blue State
    David Pepper writes, "One of the most damaging consequences of the narrative that our battle for democracy is only a federal contest, playing out in just a few swing states, is that it leaves the false impression that most of America isn’t involved in that battle."
    September 12, 2024