Resolute Square
That Trippi Show
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107,000 "just found" voter registrations... seriously


  • No Good Deed...
    David Pepper writes: “For the first time in modern memory, Ohio Republicans attached conditions to legislation that extended the deadline for a presidential nominee to be placed on the Ohio ballot. In the past, including in 2020, this has always been done as a matter of course, and for nominees of either party. "
    July 17, 2024
  • Every Vote Counts with Lauren Kunis
    The Lincoln Project Podcast

    The Lincoln Project Podcast

    Rick Wilson speaks with Lauren Kunis, the Executive Director of VoteRiders, a national nonpartisan organization dedicated to voting rights. VoteRiders focuses on voter ID assistance, offering free direct help to eligible voters and running voter education programs across the country. With 38 states now enforcing voter ID laws, these regulations disproportionately impact underrepresented groups, including young people, Black and Hispanic voters, low-income individuals, and those with disabilities. VoteRiders aims to ensure that voter ID laws do not disenfranchise eligible voters and that everyone has access to the ballot box.
    July 8, 2024
  • Running Everywhere...Even Florida
    With a powerful example from the recent past, David Pepper explains in his latest whiteboard video how fielding Democratic candidates for Congress in Florida could have changed the outcome of a presidential election. And why history could repeat itself in November.
    May 23, 2024
  • Joe Trippi: Dems Dug This Hole, But They're Digging Out
    Joe Trippi explains how for decades Democrats chose to fight in limited states and abandoned many that have become extremists now. But - the fight is on everywhere now and Dems are winning.
    May 22, 2024
  • A Conservative Environmentalist?
    The Enemies List

    Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

    Conservatives in America are not typically known as lovers of environmental advocacy. Well, our guest bucks that trend. Benji Backer, an environmental advocate and author of "The Conservative Environmentalist" joins Rick to discuss the urgent need for practical and innovative solutions to environmental challenges, critiquing both extreme denial and radical approaches currently dividing the political landscape. Backer emphasizes a historical bipartisan approach to environmental issues and proposes a balanced pathway that leverages American ingenuity and respects local knowledge.
    April 15, 2024