Resolute Square

Ruth Ben-Ghiat

American historian and cultural critic, an expert on fascism and authoritarianism.
Credit: Ruth Ben-Ghiat

About Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Ruth Ben-Ghiat is Professor of History and Italian Studies at New York University. She is an MSNBC Opinion Columnist and commentator on CNN, MSNBC, and other media outlets about authoritarianism, Fascism, and threats to democracy around the world.
Her latest book, Strongmen: From Mussolini to the Present (W.W. Norton & Company) examines how illiberal leaders use corruption, violence, propaganda, and machismo to stay in power and how resistance to them has unfolded over a century.
Subscribe to Lucid, her Substack newsletter about democracy and autocracy.

Follow @ruthbenghiat
Ritual Humiliation: The Favorite Sport of Autocrats
Ruth Ben-Ghiat taps into how public shaming and divide-and-rule tactics used by autocrats create toxic environments of fear and insecurity, where opportunists thrive at the expense of individual dignity and the good of the people.
February 15, 2024
When Rule of Law Becomes Rule of the Lawless
Ruth Ben Ghiat explains how Pinochet's Chile is a warning for us today.
February 9, 2024
It Can't Happen Here: Denial, Detachment, and the Desire for Normality
Ruth Ben-Ghiat looks into the consequences of underestimating the danger of authoritarianism and stresses the importance of staying informed and actively defending democracy.
February 1, 2024
How Fascism Is Being Normalized In Italy.
"Even a mass of blackshirts saluting the dead Duce in 2024 does not seem objectionable to the neo-Fascist Prime Minister,"writes Ruth Ben-Ghiat.
January 25, 2024
Trump's Holiness Rises as His Corruption is Revealed, in the Best Authoritarian Tradition
Ruth Ben-Ghiat sheds light on the unsettling rise of Donald Trump's "holiness" amidst corruption revelations, exploring the manipulation of faith and parallels with authoritarian leaders throughout history.
January 18, 2024
"Swatting" - Signaling Democratic Decline And Illuminating Pathologies
"The ultimate goal of swatting is to stress institutions, create uncertainty in ways that intersect with conspiracy theories and lead people to feel that society is degenerating," writes Ruth Ben-Ghiat.
January 11, 2024
Authoritarians And Their Sons-In-Law From Mussolini To Trump: Partners in Corruption
Ruth Ben-Ghiat discusses the corrupt tradition of sons-in-law in the inner sanctums of dictators, their roles in corruption, and their potential as scapegoats.
January 4, 2024
The Wall And The Drill: Authoritarianism Means Controls For Some, License To Plunder for Others
Ruth Ben-Ghiat writes, "Xenophobia and plunder: what would authoritarianism be without them?"
December 21, 2023
Be Alert to What is Right
"With the threat of authoritarianism growing around the is easy to be laser-focused on what is wrong," writes Ruth Ben-Ghiat. She also reminds us that it's essential to be alert to what's right.
December 14, 2023
Protecting Criminals is Now the GOP's Job as an Autocratic Party
From Ruth Ben-Ghiat: "Crime, and the law, have a different meaning for authoritarians and their enablers. In the amoral and transactional world of leaders such as Trump, all means are justified to get to power and stay there."
December 12, 2023
The New Wave of Fake Populists Who Serve Elites While Claiming to Stand for the People
Ruth Ben-Ghiat writes: "Strongmen scams recur throughout authoritarian history, not least because they are at the heart of autocratic personality cults that celebrate the leader as a man of the people." Sound familiar?
December 7, 2023
"Lock Them Up": Trump's Authoritarian Plans for 2025
Controlling bodies in jails, camps, and psychiatric institutions makes strongmen feel powerful, writes historian and authoritarianism expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat.
November 29, 2023
Trump's Latest Speech Echoes Fascist Rhetoric
Historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat writes about Trump's latest speech and his convincing Mussolini and Hitler impressions - dehumanizing his enemies using their tried and true tactics that led to genocide.
November 16, 2023
Hypermasculinity, Misogyny, Homophobia: The Toxic Triad of Authoritarian Gender Politics
Ruth Ben-Ghiat explores the interconnected nature of these three destructive ideologies present in authoritarian movements.
November 9, 2023
When Peace Is The Biggest Enemy
Ruth Ben-Ghiat writes, "An eye for an eye blinds everyone, but terrorists, autocrats, and fundamentalists require hatred and conflict."
November 1, 2023
"Fear Does the Business" and Threat is Normalized
The GOP's autocrats are normalizing fear, silence, and violence in American politics, eroding democracy and threatening the political class.
October 26, 2023
In Poland, Unity and Optimism Prevailed Over Autocracy
From Ruth Ben-Ghiat: "The stakes could not have been higher. Vladimir Putin's genocidal war on Ukraine, which is unfolding on Poland's doorstep, is a stark reminder of the horrors that a fully realized autocracy can unleash on the world."
October 19, 2023
What Will Be The Destiny Of Netanyahu
The tragic Hamas attacks on Israel prompt reflections on the strongman model of leadership
October 12, 2023
Violence is Trump's Brand
Ruth Ben-Ghiat writes: "Authoritarians conjure existential threats from an ever-expanding roster of enemies —immigrants, Jews, and leftists among them" so Trump's visit to a gun shop to admire a customized "Trump 45" Glock was inevitable.
September 27, 2023
Biden is the Democracy Defender We Need Now
"Biden is taking on the GOP's efforts to sour Americans on liberal democracy and condition them to see autocrats such as Vladimir Putin in a positive light," writes Ruth Ben-Ghiat.
September 20, 2023
Paxton Acquittal: Protecting The Lawless Is What Authoritarian Parties Do
From Ruth Ben-Ghiat: "For the authoritarians of the GOP, who no longer see free and fair elections as valid ways of deciding America's leadership, that amounts to an "overthrow," to use Paxton's word. This is where the GOP is now."
September 19, 2023
Neo-Nazis And Neo-Fascists Found A Home In Pinochet's Chile. Today's Fascists Admire That Regime Of Terror
Ruth Ben-Ghiat explores the continuation of Fascist ideologies and terror tactics after WWII, focusing on the Chilean dictatorship of Pinochet and its lasting legacies.
September 13, 2023
9/11 As Shock Event: The Path To Illiberal Politics
As we remember the tragedy and attack of 9/11, it's an important time to revisit Ruth Ben-Ghiat's Sept. 2022 piece on the anti-democratic policies enacted and accepted post-9/11.
September 11, 2023
Racist Proud Boys
The Proud Boys Will Continue to Mainstream Hate
"The Proud Boys have become a conduit for the infusion of extremist energies into American public life and the Republican party," writes Ruth Ben-Ghiat. And they're not going away.
September 6, 2023
Why Mark Meadows' Mug Shot Haunts Me
Ruth Ben-Ghiat on Mark Meadows: "The former GOP Congressman entered Trump's inner circle already mildly corrupt, refused his leader nothing, and exited as an accomplice to the greatest political crimes of modern American history."
August 31, 2023
Demagogues Don't Debate: Trump Mimics Putin And Orban
Trump had to be on the stage in 2016, but things have changed. "Demagogues like Trump, Putin, and Orban evade debates, weakening democracy in favor of authoritarianism," writes Ruth Ben-Ghiat.
August 22, 2023
Rep. Matt Gaetz, Praising "Force," Goes Full Fascist At The Iowa State Fair
"(For Matt Gaetz) even the Iowa State Fair, a family event, is fair game: working in calls for violence while people are enjoying themselves is ideal for receptivity. Would you like some Fascism with your pork chop on a stick?," writes Ruth Ben-Ghiat
August 14, 2023
Israel At A Crossroads: Where Will Netanyahu's Autocratic Aggression Lead The Country?
"When strongmen leaders shake up the political landscape, normalizing extremists and modeling scorn for the rule of law, there is no return to the status quo," writes Ruth Ben-Ghiat. It's true of Netanyahu, just as it's true of Trump.
August 8, 2023
PragerU: A Far-Right Propaganda Machine Now In Florida Schools
PragerU delivers a toxic mix of conspiracy theories, racism, homophobia, anti-feminism, and neoliberalism, and is now part of DeSantis' Florida public school indoctrination plan
August 1, 2023
Spanish Elections And The Specter Of Franco
"When the wounds of a terroristic dictatorship are still relatively fresh --General Francisco Franco's regime started with a 1936 military coup and ended in 1975, thirty-six years later--any defeat of the far right is doubly important," writes Ruth Ben-Ghiat.
July 25, 2023
Stressed About The State Of Democracy?
"We can't work to save democracy if we're not keeping ourselves mentally and physically healthy," writes Ruth Ben-Ghiat.
July 18, 2023
From Fascism To Hungary And The U.S., Authoritarians Target Universities
What happens on campus reflects and often anticipates democratic decline.
July 13, 2023
Patriotism Means Celebrating America's Multiracial Democracy
How have threats to democracy changed the way you view patriotism and its symbols?
July 6, 2023
Some Strongmen Lose Power In Stages. Will This Be Putin's Fate?
Ruth Ben-Ghiat examines the potential for a wartime erosion of power, jump-started by Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin's show of force, to eventually take down Russian President Vladimir Putin too.
June 28, 2023
Insurrection on January 6
To Protect Democracy, Prosecution of Coup Attempts Must be Swift and Resolute
Reflections on the FBI and DOJ's Reluctance to Prosecute Trump and Elite Enablers
June 22, 2023
Lindsay Graham At Trump Event
Why Is The GOP Still In Thrall To Trump? A Study In Authoritarian Cult Dynamics
Fear and fanaticism are part of it, explains Ruth Ben-Ghiat: "Accepting the leader's lies and violence ties them to him, making them partners in his crimes and thus vulnerable to being exposed."
June 15, 2023
The Chinese Government Tried to Obliterate the Memory of Tiananmen Square. Then the Watches Appeared
Engineered oblivion may be a speciality of authoritarians, but it rarely works long-term
June 8, 2023
erdogan victory celebration
"We Will Be Together Until The Grave." Takeaways From The Turkish Election
Moving to the right to beat authoritarians is never a good idea writes Ruth Ben-Ghiat.
June 1, 2023
Taking On The FBI, The GOP Serves Its Cult Leader
Covering up Trump's corruption is a full-time activity for cult followers like Rep. Jim Jordan
May 25, 2023
Trump Is Running As A Cult Leader
Propping up his personality cult and indoctrinating Americans to hatred are the real functions of campaign events, not promoting policies
May 18, 2023
Allen Texas Memorial
We Need To Talk About Gun Violence's Staggering Economic Costs
American businesses and financial institutions can no longer stay silent about this massive waste of human and economic resources
May 11, 2023
Ron DeSantis's Panic Performance in Japan Reveals the Weaknesses of Authoritarian Personalities
Ron Desantis short-circuits when confronted about polling numbers in Japan.
April 25, 2023
Seeking to Turn Students Into Informers, Republicans Continue Authoritarian History
Ruth Ben-Ghiat warns that the authoritarian movement in the GOP is using one of the most destructive tactics of history's ugliest regimes.
April 20, 2023
Justin Jones/Justin Pearson
A New Movement of Anti-Authoritarian Resistance is Gathering Strength in America
In statehouses and on the streets, the defenders of democracy are taking action.
April 11, 2023
NY Young Republicans Issue a Fascist Statement
The language of NY Young Republicans echoes the rhetoric of past fascist leaders. Ruth Ben-Ghiat exposes these similarities and warns against ignoring the signs.
April 6, 2023
Witch Hunt! Exposing Republican Propaganda about Trump's Indictment and Charges
Political persecution, Democrats as tyrants, and other authoritarian talking points to incite the faithful.
April 4, 2023
Triumph of the Will, Waco Version: Trump's Fascist Leader Cult
In transmuting violence into patriotism, Donald Trump channels Nazi Germany and fans the flames of fascism in America.
March 30, 2023
Trump ugly
Victim And Avenger: The Fascist Roots of Trump's CPAC Speech
Trump recognizes the need to be the "Strongman" voice for his base and used his CPAC speech to echo Fascist leaders like Mussolini and Hitler.
March 7, 2023
Every Day The War Goes On Is A Victory For Putin
For Vladamir Putin, the deaths of thousands of countrymen, significant losses of financial power, and universal condemnation mean little as long as buildings and lives continue to be destroyed in Ukraine. Ruth Ben-Ghiat provides us a glimpse of how autocrats think and why Putin will not stop until he has no other options.
February 21, 2023
Erdogan's Autocratic Response To Tragedy In Turkey Proves Deadly
Strongmen like Erdogan are at their worst when their people need them most.
February 14, 2023
Desantis Signs Don't Say Gay Bill
Ron DeSantis's Dystopian Vision For America's Youth
DeSantis seeks to prevent kids from developing the empathy that would lead them down the path of civil rights activists in the US and anti-authoritarian resisters everywhere.
February 8, 2023
Rick Wilson's Enemies List
A Victory For Reality
The Enemies List

Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

Rick is joined by scholar and cultural historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat. An expert on authoritarianism. They dissect what happened in the midterms and how and why Americans chose democracy. Plus, who makes the list this episode.
November 16, 2022