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J.D. Vance: A Vice Presidential Candidate Hostile To American Interests

Brian Daitzman writes: "J.D. Vance's alignment with Hungary's authoritarian regime, indifference towards U.S. allies, and regressive social policies pose a significant threat to American strategic and domestic interests"
Published:August 1, 2024

By Brian Daitzman

Is America on the Brink of Electing a Vice Presidential Candidate Aligned with Foreign Authoritarian Regimes?

J.D. Vance’s political stance and actions reflect overwhelming support for narratives and interests that are hostile to America's core national interests. Vance has shown deference to Viktor Orbán, the kleptocratic dictator of Hungary, who has undermined his nation's economic potential while creating a façade of democracy. This "Potemkin democracy" maintains the appearance of a functional justice system and political parties yet ensures Orbán's party, Fidesz, remains in power by continuously changing the rules to his advantage.

This model is appealing to some members of the American far-right, particularly the oligarchal right, including Peter Thiel, a far-right patron of J.D. Vance who financially supported his Senate seat campaign in Ohio. Thiel, who has expressed skepticism about the compatibility of democracy with human ingenuity, finds Orbán's approach favorable. Vance’s alignment with such perspectives raises serious concerns about his commitment to democratic principles and the strategic interests of the United States.

Orbán’s tactics closely mirror those adopted by the Republican Party since its merger with the Christian Coalition in the 1980s. These tactics include paying heed to social conservatives, discriminating against the LGBTQ+ community and marginalized groups, and undermining the social safety net. Simultaneously, Orbán creates opportunities for those loyal to his regime to profit, engaging in rent-seeking behaviors.

This approach has parallels in the U.S., notably during Donald Trump's historically corrupt administration and in Ron DeSantis's governance of Florida. DeSantis, another disciple of Orbán, has implemented similar policies, particularly the conflation of LGBTQ+ individuals with child sex offenders, under the guise of combating "groomers." These divide-and-conquer tactics, while garnering support from Christian evangelicals, also enrich DeSantis’s loyalists.

Vance’s alignment with such regressive and anti-democratic ideologies is deeply concerning, especially as he positions himself as a potential vice-presidential candidate. His political views and actions suggest a troubling future for American democracy, mirroring the authoritarian tactics seen in Hungary and other regimes that undermine democratic values and principles.

Hungary: A Failed Democracy

Hungary, under Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, has regressed into a failed democracy characterized by kleptocracy and authoritarianism. Orbán's regime lacks checks and balances and has systematically dismantled democratic institutions. Hungary’s alignment with Russia over Ukraine and China over the United States underscores its opposition to American strategic interests.

Orbán’s government acts as a conduit for Russian influence in Europe, consistently supporting policies that favor Russia's strategic goals, including the undermining of Ukrainian sovereignty. This stance is at odds with the U.S. position, which supports Ukraine's territorial integrity and independence. Furthermore, Hungary's cozy relationship with China, often favoring Chinese economic and political interests, directly challenges U.S. efforts to counterbalance Chinese influence globally.

The Heritage Foundation and Hungary: An Unholy Alliance

The Heritage Foundation, one of the most prominent conservative research institutions in the United States, has historically shaped conservative policy and thought. In recent years, the Foundation has increasingly aligned itself with Trumpist and pro-Orbán ideologies, marking a significant shift from its Reagan-era roots. This alignment is exemplified through its cooperation agreement with Hungary's Danube Institute, which aims to deepen transatlantic relations and collaborate on geopolitical and conservative policy matters.

Project 2025: A Blueprint for Radical Change

Project 2025, a controversial plan supported by the Heritage Foundation, aims to overhaul the federal government by reclassifying federal bureaucrats as political appointees. This would allow for a significant reshaping of the executive branch. This plan, which J.D. Vance has publicly supported, advocates for a dramatic restructuring of federal institutions to align them with conservative ideologies.

Vance's involvement with Project 2025 includes writing the foreword for Kevin Roberts' book, "Dawn's Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America." Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, is a prominent conservative thinker and strategist. 

He has been instrumental in pushing forward the Foundation's vision for a radical transformation of the federal government. Roberts' endorsement of Vance as Donald Trump's vice-presidential pick is notable, as he expressed happiness and confidence that Vance would champion the principles outlined in Project 2025. Roberts' enthusiastic support highlights the ideological alignment between Vance, the Heritage Foundation, and the authoritarian model exemplified by Hungary's Viktor Orbán.

Landmark Cooperation Agreement Between the Heritage Foundation and the Danube Institute

  • The cooperation agreement between the Heritage Foundation and the Danube Institute signifies a landmark in transatlantic conservative relations. This agreement involves:

  • Annual conferences on geopolitics and security held in Budapest, attracting researchers and policymakers worldwide.

  • Exchange programs where Heritage Foundation researchers visit Budapest to collaborate with the Danube Institute.

  • Joint events and increased sharing of expertise on conservative policy matters.

American conservatives have shown growing interest in Hungarian politics and policymaking, particularly under Viktor Orbán’s leadership. Orbán’s government is characterized by its kleptocratic and authoritarian tendencies, closely tied to Russia’s Vladimir Putin. This ideological convergence has facilitated the transmission of conservative ideas and practices between the two countries.

Public Perception and Challenges

Vance's alignment with the radical ideas promoted by the Heritage Foundation and the Danube Institute poses significant challenges in gaining broader electoral support. His unconventional influences and proposals, such as the idea of giving parents extra votes, have generated controversy and criticism. These ideas, rooted in post-liberal and anti-globalist ideologies, risk alienating moderate and independent voters.

Implications for American Governance

The implementation of Project 2025 under a Trump-Vance administration would likely lead to significant changes in American governance:

Federal Bureaucracy: By reclassifying federal employees as political appointees, the administration could replace career civil servants with ideologically aligned individuals, undermining the apolitical nature of the federal workforce.

Policy Priorities: Vance's alignment with Hungarian-style policies could shift U.S. domestic policy towards more authoritarian measures, including increased restrictions on LGBTQ+ rights and a rollback of protections for marginalized communities.

International Relations: Vance's isolationist stance and indifference towards traditional U.S. allies could weaken America's global alliances, particularly with nations like Ukraine, which rely on U.S. support to counteract Russian aggression.

Protecting American Democracy

J.D. Vance's alignment with Hungary's authoritarian regime, indifference towards U.S. allies, and regressive social policies pose a significant threat to American strategic and domestic interests. His potential vice presidency demands thorough scrutiny, as it could fundamentally undermine the values and democratic principles upon which the United States stands. Critically evaluating Vance's positions is not just a matter of political strategy but a safeguard for the future of American democracy and international relations.


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