Resolute Square

How to Defeat Autocracy, Root and Branch

Andra Watkins writes: What’s it like to be in a relationship with an autocratic, non-compromising, non-flexible person? Today’s Christo-fascist Republican Party is teaching many Americans about these abusive relationships in real time. Once we defeat them and defeat them and defeat them some more, we’re all going to need trauma therapy.
Published:June 27, 2024

*Andra Watkins is an award winning author, survivor of Christian Nationalism and an expert on Project 2025. Read and support her important work here: How Project 2025 Will Ruin Your Life

By Andra Watkins

What’s it like to be in a relationship with an autocratic, non-compromising, non-flexible person?

Today’s Christo-fascist Republican Party is teaching many Americans about these abusive relationships in real time. Once we defeat them and defeat them and defeat them some more, we’re all going to need trauma therapy.

Tato A. Torres Gilormini, a Doctor of Clinical Psychology and Family Therapist, put together a list of autocratic traits to look out for in interpersonal relationships. I’m sharing those traits today.

Interpersonal Relationships - What are autocratic, non-compromising, non-flexible people like?

  • Authoritarian Approach: They often adopt a top-down approach in relationships, dictating terms and making unilateral decisions.

  • Conflict-Prone: Their lack of compromise can lead to frequent conflicts and strained relationships.

  • Poor Empathy: They struggle to understand or value the emotions and needs of others. This is key and at the center of this Me-Game. A “We'' requires more relational development. 

  • Control Issues: They need to control the dynamics of their relationships, often micromanaging and dictating terms.

In my newsletter “Forced Birth Can Be the Greatest Healing Agent,” I wrote about how Christian Nationalists use the Bible to give themselves a pass on empathy. Because who are they to try to help someone God chooses to punish? If they interfere, that person may never learn the lesson God is trying to teach them. Their punishment may never heal their relationship with God.

I want to expand on Tato’s comments on empathy, because so many on the Left wring their hands at the Right’s lack of empathy. Before I started doing this work, I’m not sure I ever considered how this indoctrination robs people of empathy. And the solution isn’t telling them they’re authoritarian or lecturing them to be more empathetic. We can’t fight fire with fire, especially when it comes to the non-compromising. Being empathetic of those who lack empathy is not submitting, it is sublimating.

Here are several tips for dealing with people who lack empathy from Very Well Mind. I used their tips in bold and tailored the recommendations to this work.

1. Establish boundaries. We know what boundaries look like in our interpersonal relationships. We may restrict time with difficult people, or we may cut them out of our lives entirely.

2. But what about with our fellow Americans? The best way to establish clear boundaries will be to defeat them at the ballot box. At every level of government. In every election. For as long as it takes.

3. Nurture relationships with people who have empathy. You’re here, so you’re already doing that work. Be fed by the hope you get from the work we’re doing together to save democracy. Don’t let them rob you of your joy or keep you from celebrating every success.

4. Don’t seek emotional validation from them. For those who enjoy engaging with trolls, that means stop engaging with trolls. Arguing with trolls is a form of emotional validation. Don’t give them that power. What they’re saying to you isn’t about you; it’s about them.

5. Don’t expect them to change. I think most of us have come to the realization that we will never change the members of this Christo-fascist, white supremacist cult. But we CAN focus on persuading people to vote. We CAN make our case to undecided voters. We CAN encourage more Americans to register to vote. We CAN warn Americans about Project 2025.

6. Walk away if necessary. I’ve ended relationships with so many people over the last decade. It’s okay. You’re not alone. I don’t know what “walk away” means for our democracy, but those decisions are above my pay grade.

7. Try not to take it personally. This one is SO HARD. It’s hard to watch people shrug at suffering; even harder to see so-called Christians inflict pain with undisguised glee. Different tools work for different people but this works for me: I have to answer for MY actions; I’m responsible for MY reactions; when it’s all said and done, I want those things to add up to a positive difference in the world.

What about their authoritarian approach and need to control?

They don’t disguise their authoritarian approach in Project 2025’s Promise 2: Dismantle the Administrative State and Return Self-Governance to the American People. I wrote about that here.

Here are their exact words from Project 2025:

The next conservative President must possess the courage to relentlessly put the interests of the everyday American over the desires of the ruling elite. Their outrage cannot be prevented; it must simply be ignored.
Project 2025, page 9

At every turn, Christo-fascist Republicans ignore the will of voters. They ignore judicial rulings they don’t like. They ignore election outcomes with which they don’t agree. They are clearly and indisputably communicating their authoritarian bonafides. More Americans would be wise to believe they mean what they say and do.

We’ve heard and seen their approach to conflict.

We will hold impeachment hearings for a sitting Democrat Presidentbut we won’t let you mention our candidate’s 34 felony convictions in the House.

We will grandstand and trade personal insults during formal committee meetings; then refuse to apologize.

We will not compromise.


  • Trump's Project 2025: Up Close and Personal. Episode 9-The Insurrection Act.

    Trump's Project 2025: Up Close And Personal

    The story follows fictional Private Troy Marquis, who attends a tense early morning briefing at a military reserve base in Philadelphia. Troy is told that a radical group, Antifa, has invaded the city, prompting a second-term President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act. US law currently prohibits the military from operating on US soil. However, the Insurrection Act of 1807 gives the president broad and sweeping authority to use the military to quell domestic violence or conspiracy that the president thinks is a domestic rebellion or insurrection. Donald Trump tried use the Insurrection Act against Black Lives Matter protests in his first administration and has threatened use the U.S. Military to shut down protests against him if he is re-elected. As the soldiers in Troy Marquis company advance towards City Hall, tensions rise with the conflict between what the soldiers were told and what they see with their own eyes. In the midst of a peaceful protest against police violence, the situation escalates when one soldier purposely makes up a perceived threat, leading to gunfire. The chaos results in the deaths of dozens and many injuries, including their own soldiers. Overcome with horror and guilt, Troy grapples with the aftermath of their actions and the brutal reality of their mission. In a view from the other side, the fictional Julie Brown joins that protest in Philadelphia calling for justice after the police killing of two Black students. Despite her parents' concerns about the increasing hostility towards protesters, she feels compelled to stand up for her beliefs. The protest initially unfolds peacefully, filled with songs and chants, until military forces arrive with orders to disperse the demonstrators. As the military's authoritative tone becomes increasingly menacing, panic ensues when gunfire breaks out, resulting in casualties among the protesters. Julie is injured in the chaos and wakes up in the hospital, facing a representative of military intelligence who informs her that the protest group is being investigated for allegedly attacking the military. Once again in a trump administration up is down and down is up. We'd like to thank all the artists who volunteered their time to make this episode: Mark Hamill and Andrea Guidry who read the chapters and others who contributed character voices. Sound design by Jonathan Moser and Marilys Ernst. This episode of Trump's Project 2025: Up Close and Personal was jointly written by Daniel Miller—lawyer, writer and democracy advocate—and David Pepper and produced by Pepper, Melissa Jo Peltier and Jay Feldman and is a production of Ovington Avenue Productions and The Bill Press Pod.
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  • Trump's Project 2025: Up Close and Personal Chapter 7 -The Brutal Attack on Workers and Unions

    Trump's Project 2025: Up Close And Personal

    In this episode of Trump's Project 2025: Up Close and Personal, we see the real-life effects of this assault on unions and workers. In our fictional story, two legendary high school football players, Turk Foster and DeAndre McCollum, still relish their past glory. But they are struggling to navigate the rule changes proposed by Project 2025 that undercut the power of unions and tilt the playing field in favor of the employers to the detriment of employees. Turk struggles with his job as a union electrician as wages and job security diminish. He feels the weight of expectation on his son, who may soon forgo football to support the family by taking a job, previously off limits to teenagers in a plant in town. DeAndre’s wife, a nurse, has had her hours cut and has to cope with last minute schedule changes that disrupt their family life. In the second half of the episode, Bruce Lipton, the fictional private equity executive, plays golf with his HR consultant Dudley Brennan. Their conversation reveals the ruthless cost-cutting measures undertaken by their firm, Bald Eagle Capital, and the broader privatized economy shaped by the election of Donald Trump and the deregulation as proposed in Project 2025. Dudley lists strategies like eliminating union protections, utilizing young workers—including hiring teenagers for hazardous jobs—and reducing overtime expenses. Despite his discomfort with these practices, Bruce feels pressured to comply with the aggressive corporate tactics that prioritize profit over worker safety and rights, reflecting an uncomfortable tension between his upbringing in a union household and the cutthroat world of private equity. The chapter concludes with Bruce's disillusionment leading him to leave the golf course, symbolizing his internal conflict over the ethical implications of his work. We'd like to thank all the artists who volunteered their time to make this episode: Wendell Pierce and Fisher Stevens who read the chapters and others who contributed character voices. Sound design by Marilys Ernst and Jon Moser
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  • Trump's Project 2025: Up Close and Personal-The Assault on Public Education

    Trump's Project 2025: Up Close And Personal

    Project 2025 proposes to eliminate the Department of Education and divert federal education funding into universal school voucher programs, allowing public money to be used for private and for-profit schools. This would result in cuts to critical services and programs at public schools, including mental health counseling, school resource officers, after-school programs, reading/writing specialists, and services for students with disabilities. Classroom sizes at public schools would increase substantially due to the funding cuts, hampering the ability to provide a quality education. The plan also calls for the censorship of curriculum and book banning related to topics like racial equity, LGBTQ issues, and reproductive health. Private for-profit schools receiving voucher funds have been found to use substandard or misleading curriculum, including teaching that dinosaurs and humans co-existed and that slavery was not as bad as portrayed. Overall, the goal of Project 2025 is to end public education in the United States in favor of a privatized, deregulated school system, with devastating consequences for students, especially those from lower-income families and communities. Based on the actual proposals and likely consequences above, the fictional based stories begin as Martha Sheakley, the principal of Southeast Middle School, faces the challenges of new controversial book-banning laws that require the removal of numerous classics from the library. As she meets with librarian Paige Parker, they express their frustration over the vague standards forcing them to censor popular titles, including works by Toni Morrison and Anne Frank. Martha is frustrated with the political landscape affecting education and the consequences of enforcing these new laws. Martha then attends a distressing meeting about school funding. Due to the government's shift to vouchers for private schools, public schools face severe funding cuts. She learns they must eliminate wrap-around services and support staff, including mental health counselors, after-care programs, and special education resources. These cuts threaten the well-being of students and the overall educational environment. The meeting exposes the deepening crisis in public education as more responsibilities are pushed onto families with lower income and fewer resources. After a day filled with painful decisions and meetings, Martha encounters law enforcement taking away censored books from the library, further highlighting the absurdity and tragedy of censorship in education. As the day ends, Martha reflects on the privilege of parents benefitting from the new policies while her own students and staff suffer the consequences. In parallel, Marcus and other parents share their concerns about Blue Ribbon Academy, a new school that seemed promising but delivered a disappointing reality. They discover misleading curriculum materials that trivialize serious historical issues and provide an inadequate education. As they navigate their experiences trying to advocate for better education options for their children, they are met with resistance from the Blue Ribbon administration, which has no accountability to the public. Despite their efforts, the parents ultimately face the grim reality that shifts in educational policy have sidelined their children, particularly those with special needs like Marcus's son, Jamal, who is deemed "not a good fit" for Blue Ribbon due to his ADHD. This reflects a larger trend of public schools becoming underfunded and unable to meet the needs of diverse learners as more families are funneled into less supportive educational environments. We'd like to thank all the artists who volunteered their time to make this episode: Ever Carradine and Don Cheadle who read the chapters and others who contributed character voices. Sound design by Johnathan Moser. Trump's Project 2025: Up Close and Personal is written by David Pepper
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