Resolute Square

How Project 2025 Will Decimate the American Economy, Destroy Your Savings, and Ruin Your Life

Andra Watkins boils it down: "Project 2025’s economic plan is 1. China evil; 2. oil, gas, and extraction good; 3. immigration bad; 4. incarcerated enslaved labor good; 5. taxing the rich bad; 6. tricking dumb nuts to vote for their own tax increases, no Social Security, no Medicare good."
Published:July 11, 2024

*Andra Watkins is an award winning author, survivor of Christian Nationalism and an expert on Project 2025. Read and support her important work here: How Project 2025 Will Ruin Your Life

By Andra Watkins

The economy performs better under Democrat Presidents. It performs worse under Republican Presidents. This has been true since FDR.

On 1 July, the unelected fascist Supreme Court fundamentally changed our form of government. It’s now okey-dokey for the president to be a dictator. It’s cool for our federal government to be unable to function.

For anyone who’s paid attention to the mainstream or right-wing media (is there any difference?), there was nothing for Americans to see in these decisions. It was way more important to generate clicks with stories about party discord and age and infighting and whether people with colds should take cold medicine.*

So I don’t blame anyone for missing the news that on 3 July, billionaire oligarch Jeff Bezos announced that he is selling $5 billion of his Amazon stock at an all-time high. 25 million shares. He filed the paperwork on 2 July, one day after last Monday’s disastrous Supreme Court ruling on Presidential immunity that ended a run of government-gutting decisions.

Want to know how healthy the economy is projected to be? You won’t find it in business journals or forecasts. Talking heads make money to blow hot air out of their faces while telling you nothing.

Americans have been conditioned to believe High Stock Market = Good Economy. Or Housing Prices Are Rising = Good Economy. Or I can buy shit that I want = Good Economy. What passes for American economic education is I feel a vibe; therefore it must be true.

So let’s talk about a man who became obscenely wealthy selling Americans cheap goods. When obscenely wealthy people make monumental financial decisions, PAY ATTENTION to timing.

Jeff Bezos didn’t move $5 billion dollars because he disagrees with fascism. He’s cool with Kevin Roberts, Michael Flynn, and their goon squad subjugating and killing us.

No, Bezos knows the decisions the Supreme Court made to enable a fascist government will tank the Amazon economy. People who are being terrorized by autocrats will have neither time nor money to buy cheap shit they want. He’s hedging his bets and taking care of himself.

Which should speak louder than any talking head about what Republican economic policies will do to the economy. Here’s why.

Kevin Roberts, the fascist Republican head of The Heritage Foundation and Project 2025’s main sponsor, basically said this last week: “If you resist Project 2025, we will kill you.

But he also wrote this:

The next conservative President should go beyond merely defending America’s energy interests but go on offense, asserting them around the world. America’s vast reserves of oil and natural gas are not an environmental problem; they are the lifeblood of economic growth.

Project 2025, page 13

Project 2025’s fascist Republican economic plan is Drill Drill Drill Extract Extract Extract. Think I’m exaggerating?

Full-spectrum strategic energy dominance would facilitate the reinvigoration of America’s entire industrial and manufacturing sector as we disentangle our economy from China.

Project 2025, page 13

My handwritten note in the margin of my worn-out paper copy of P2025 (A book that deserves to be banned and burned the moment the election is over): What they don’t say - this manufacturing will be done by a mix of robots, free detention camp and prison labor, and children. It won’t create millions of high-paying jobs as Republicans claim.

Disentangling our economy from China and re-industrializing the US using cheap or free/enslaved labor are key aims of Project 2025.

Economic engagement with China should be ended, not rethought.

Project 2025, page 13

So Project 2025’s economic plan is 1. China evil; 2. oil, gas, and extraction good; 3. immigration bad; 4. incarcerated enslaved labor good; 5. taxing the rich bad; 6. tricking dumb nuts to vote for their own tax increases, no Social Security, no Medicare good; 7. all while they carry out a self-defined revolution where they’re happy to kill people, gut the federal government, and install a dictator.

Here are links to economic points we’ve already covered.

Project 2025: How Intermediate Tax Reform Screws the Middle Class

Project 2025: How It Cuts Employee Benefits Without Increasing Wages

Project 2025: Even More Ways to Screw Average American Taxpayers


Jeff Bezos sees what could go wrong. He won’t let The Washington Post warn you or any other American (beyond this editorial), but he’s taking steps to protect himself from this potential fascist Republican decimation of the US economy.

Because like all billionaire oligarchs, he doesn’t give one good bowel movement about YOU, your family, your job, your retirement, your healthcare, your life, the climate, democracy, or this country. He probably plans to use that $5 billion to live in space while we suffer the consequences.
