Resolute Square


There was a time when the GOP knew what this meant.


  • The Hijacking of American Conservatism
    The Enemies List

    Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

    How did conservatism in America become the bizarre mess it is today? To help us explore this question, Rick welcomes Joe Conason, author of "The Longest Con: How Grifters, Swindlers, and Frauds Hijacked American Conservatism." Together, they explore the historical trajectory of the conservative movement in America, from the professional anti-communists of the 1950s and 60s to the rise of the Tea Party and the ultimate grift of Donald Trump. Conason delves into the intricate scams and deceitful tactics used by key figures and organizations, revealing how political manipulation and financial exploitation have shaped modern conservatism.
    July 10, 2024
  • How Leonard Leo Ate The Supreme Court
    The Enemies List

    Rick Wilson's The Enemies List

    On this episode of The Enemies List, Rick is joined by Andrea Bernstein. Andrea is a journalist, author, and podcast host at WNYC. Together they discuss the untold story of Leonard Leo, his political beginnings, how he came to hold the power he does, his connection to Supreme Court justices, the insane $1.6 billion donation he just received, and more.
    October 11, 2023
  • Sitting US Supreme Court Justices
    A Flagrant Foul Against Democracy
    NC Republicans are before the SCOTUS this week. On the opposite side, a founder of the Federalist Society. David Pepper tells us why we might be in for a surprise decision.
    December 6, 2022
