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McConnell Accepts Reality, Pete to Transportation, Winning Back Rurals

That Trippi Show

That Trippi Show

Published:December 18, 2020
Joe and Alex quickly give us an update on early returns from GA -- almost 1 million votes are in! -- and what the early voting patterns mean (if anything). Nate Cohn's Twitter thread is linked here. Next, Mitch McConnell said it was time for the GOP to "turn the page" and accept President-Elect Biden as, well, President-Elect. Why now? How much weight does the relationship between Biden and McConnell play into this decision? Plus, what does it mean for actual governance -- and for 2022 Senate races? Then, Pete Buttigieg looks to be our next Secretary of Transportation. What does Joe make of this choice -- of all the departments, why Transportation? And what does this mean for the future of the Democratic party, now that hardly any of the so-called "stars" have been elevated to big Cabinet posts? Lastly, an audience question from a listener in South Dakota asks when the Democrats will get their act together and re-invest in rural states. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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