Resolute Square


Strategy Session: August 6, 2024
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Join Rick Wilson, Stuart Stevens, Joe Trippi, and special guests as they rip the back off the American Political Machine and show you what's really inside and how it all works.

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Strategy Session: July 30, 2024
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Join Rick Wilson, Stuart Stevens, Joe Trippi, and special guests as they rip the back off the American Political Machine and show you what's really inside and how it all works.

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Strategy Session with Guest: Anne Applebaum
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Pulitzer Prize winning historian and author Anne Applebaum joins the Strategy Session to discuss how autocracies work together to undermine the democratic world, and how we should organize to defeat them. Anne's new book "Autocracy, Inc." comes out on Tuesday, July 23, and she'll be with us on release day to discuss her book and why she's calling on democracies to fundamentally reorient their policies to fight a new kind of threat.

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Tester Show
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Tester for possible stream this evening.

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Strategy Session with Guest: Jill Lawrence
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

“'This was the moment Trump became president' became a running joke during Trump’s actual presidency," writes Jill Lawrence in her latest piece. Is there any reason to believe this time is different? Join Rick, Stuart, and Joe with guest, author and columnist Jill Lawrence to discuss Trump's non-pivot, J.D. Vance, and how we should really view the GOP convention.

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Strategy Session with Special Guest Mark Jacob
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

“When it comes time for the fascists to frog-march journalists out of the newsroom at gunpoint, the journalists will compete for the exclusive rights to cover it.” ~Mark Jacob

Author and media expert Mark Jacob joins The Strategy Session to break down the media’s complicity in normalizing fascism. Democracy is falling off a cliff, and our media outlets are racing to livestream it.Watch The Strategy Session, tonight at 7p ET. week we’ll be joined by Mark Jacob, author, and ex-editor at the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times. Mark now writes the newsletter Stop The Presses about how right-wing extremism has exploited the weaknesses in American journalism and what we can do about it. Hope you’ll join us.

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Members Exclusive with John Harwood: Mainstream Media In The Aftermath of Debate #1
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Join our special invitation only event with Rick Wilson, Stuart Stevens, and Joe Trippi with very special guest legendary Pulitzer Prize winning journalist John Harwood. John’s courage, and journalistic ethics and integrity compelled him to be a clarion voice in the media warning of the danger of Donald Trump and the GOP’s anti-democratic actions. Tuesday evening, he’ll share his evaluation of how the press has handled reporting on the first debate - the good, bad, and the ugly - and take questions from our members. Tuesday at 8 PM ET, right after the Strategy Session. If you aren't a member and would like to attend, go to to become a member or try our 30-Day Free Trial.

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Strategy Session with special guest Gevin Reynolds
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

“With fear for our democracy, I dissent,” wrote Justice Sonia Sotomayor in her dissenting opinion in yesterday's terrible, horrible, no-good SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity. So, we're wondering where the asterisks were in Chief Justice Robert's 2005 statement and Justice Alito's in 2006 below? It must be there somewhere because they have a big whopping exception for Donald Trump's lawlessness. We'll get into what it all means with our special guest, former Biden-Harris Admin member, Gevin Reynolds.

“I believe that no one is above the law under our system and that includes the president. The president is fully bound by the law, the Constitution, and statutes.” Chief Justice John Roberts, 2005
“There is nothing that is more important for our republic than the rule of law. No person in this country, no matter how high or powerful, is above the law.” Samuel Alito, 2006

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Ol' Joe Versus Dementia Donald
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Dr. John Gartner, founder of "Duty To Warn," is back with Rick, Stuart, and Joe to discuss what to keep an eye out for in Thursday's debate. Yeah, Joe Biden is old and shows normal physical and mental signs of aging. Trump, as Dr. Gartner explains, has significant cognitive deterioration consistent with dementia. How do you spot the differences? has something to do with sharks, water pressure, flies, and someone not named Biden thinking he ran against Barack Obama in 2020. Dr. Gartner will give us the 411 on what to watch for - Tuesday at 7 PM ET.

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Strategy Session: Guest - Simon Rosenberg
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

The first debate is a little over a week away, and it’s got everyone on all sides a bit…nervous. Simon Rosenberg joins Rick, Stuart, and Joe to do a little debate prep. Plus, prison is about to get a lot…sweatier. Will Stevie "Two Shirts" Bannon be allowed to wear two jumpsuits? What really matters is that he and others are starting to face accountability for their crimes. Will that move the dial for democrats? Simon is full of hope. Catch The Strategy Session tonight at 7p ET. Join us!

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How To Make America America...Again. Guest - Leigh McGowan
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

We focus every second on how to win in November - rightly so. But there’s another thing we need to keep our eye on - what comes next. Yes, yes, yes, this election is the most important election for our democracy in at least a generation. Maybe the most important in our history. But winning at the polls this time won’t make our problems vanish. Leigh McGowan - also known as PoliticsGirl - joins Rick, Joe, and Stuart to talk about her new book and the Six American Principles - Six ideals, rooted in history, that we can all agree make America, America.

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SPECIAL EVENT: Media, Propaganda, and the MAGA Echo Chamber
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Join our special invitation only event with Rick Wilson, Stuart Stevens, and Joe Trippi with very special guest Dr. Jennifer Mercieca. Dr. Mercieca is the author of "Demagogue for President: The Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump" and will deep dive with the guys about the power of language in an authoritarian movement. They will explain the effectiveness of Trump's rhetoric on his base, the amplification of it across MAGA media, and the mainstream media's continuing failure to rise to the seriousness of this time. Rick, Stuart, Joe, and Jen will also discuss what the pro-democracy coalition messaging needs to be to combat and overcome Trump from campaigns to the grassroots. And we'll be taking your questions live! Join us for the first in this special media-focused series, Tuesday at 8 PM ET, right after the Strategy Session.

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Strategy Session: June 4, 2024
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

One of the essential voices in the pro-democracy fight is journalist and author of the newsletter “America, America,” Steven Beschloss. Tonight he joins Rick, Joe, and Stuart to discuss the GOP strategy of denial. Deny election results. Deny jury verdicts. Deny. Deny. Deny. Maybe their goal is to deny their way to victory. Or…maybe…they want to make our entire system - elections, the rule of law, decency, and democracy - meaningless.

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The Strategy Session: May 28, 2024
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Rick, Stuart, and Joe welcome Andra Watkins, author of "Project 2025 Will Ruin Your Life" to the Strategy Session. Do NOT miss it! 7 PM ET

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The Strategy Session: May 21, 2024
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Our live members-only interactive weekly strategy session where our strategists pull the back off the political strategy machine and show you what's really inside. Join us every Tuesday at 7 PM ET

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The Strategy Session: May 14, 2024
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Trump is diminished. So says psychologist and Duty To Warn’s founder John D. Gartner. And he’s not alone. Hundreds of psychologists have sounded the alarm on Trump’s mental decline. John joins The Strategy Session to break down the gaffs. The garbled language. The confusion. The signs are all there. We’ll talk about what that means for our democracy. Join us tonight at 7p ET.

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The Strategy Session: May 7, 2024
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Tuesday at 7 PM ET: Join Rick, Stuart, Joe for the strategy behind the latest headlines.

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Strategy Session with guest: Simon Rosenberg
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

What will secure "FOUR MORE YEARS!" for Biden and why is Simon Rosenberg feeling bullish about his chances? Join Rick, Stuart, Joe, and Simon to talk about the road to a second Biden-Harris term and big wins up and down the ballot for Democrats in November.

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Strategy Session: April 23, 2024
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Rick Wilson and Joe Trippi are joined by special guest Gevin Reynolds to talk gag orders, criminal trials, Ukraine aid, and a diminishing GOP. The calculus of the most consequential election of our lifetimes is changing. Watch The Strategy Session, tonight at 7p ET.

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Strategy Session: April 16, 2024
Strategy Session

Strategy Session

Unprecedented gets tossed around a lot these days, but Donald is having a truly singular moment for a former American president: the only one to ever be the defendant in a criminal trial. After seemingly endless delays, this first criminal trial sort of snuck up on a lot of people, but the impact could be thunderous. Or…not? When Sleepy Don isn't napping in court, he's getting warned by the judge not to attempt juror intimidation! It's another pro-democracy wake-up call! Join Rick, Joe, and Stuart for The Strategy Session tonight at 7p ET.

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