Resolute Square

Resolute Square Launches With Mission to Wage War Against Right-Wing Disinformation Machine

Pro-democracy media organization, an independent offshoot of the Lincoln Project, takes aim at MAGA propaganda outlets and their efforts to subvert the political process
Published:November 15, 2022
November 17, 2022
Interview requests:
David Weiner,

Resolute Square Launches With Mission to Wage War
Against Right-Wing Disinformation Machine

Pro-democracy media organization, an independent offshoot of the Lincoln Project, takes aim at MAGA propaganda outlets and their efforts to subvert the political process

November 17, 2022 – Resolute Square, a pro-democracy media platform founded by leaders of the Lincoln Project, has launched with a mission to combat the elaborate, well-funded disinformation efforts of the right wing media. Its partners vowed to wage an intense effort to call out the lies and corruption of the MAGA movement and its enablers.

Resolute Square will counter the dangerous propaganda spewed daily by right-wing media outlets, including Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News and its spawn of outlets masquerading as news organizations. It launches as Donald Trump begins his campaign to reclaim the presidency, ushering in yet another tumultuous period in American politics.

“Every hour of every day, dozens of radical, right-wing media outlets pump poison into the democratic bloodstream,” states Resolute Square’s mission statement. “They thrive on conspiracy, incite hatred, promote violence, spread lies and tear down America. It is not enough to defeat their hateful candidates, to save the America we love, we must rise up and fight the evil of MAGA media with the ferocity it took to defeat Donald Trump.”

Resolute Square will deploy a cross-channel strategy, from streaming video broadcasts to podcasts, newsletters and more. Among them is “Strategy Call,” a regular, interactive and participatory video livestream providing insight into political developments.

The platform will host Rick Wilson’s popular “Enemies List” podcast, one of several that will debut in the coming months. It will publish “The Resolute Insider;” feature columns on its website; and offer live-streaming programming. It will also host “That Trippi Show,” a podcast featuring veteran Democratic strategist Joe Trippi.

Resolute Square’s content will not resemble that of mainstream news organizations, in that commentators will eschew coverage promoting false equivalences in the name of objectivity. “This is not the time to tell both sides of a lie,” its mission statement declares.

“Resolute Square is where Americans will come together to fight the evil that threatens the country we love,” the statement reads. “We know we begin as underdogs, but we fight with conviction and purpose. We stand together at Resolute Square.”

Resolute Square has assembled a world-class team of technology and product experts with deep experience in artificial intelligence, knowledge engineering and streaming media and publishing. The platform they have constructed is interactive and participatory, driven by a belief that the voices of reason must join as a community in order to defeat the billionaire-funded right-wing media colossus. 

Resolute Square’s partners include veteran Republican political consultants Reed Galen, Stuart Stevens and Rick Wilson, and Democratic consultant Joe Trippi.

●      General Manager and Editor-in-Chief Lisa Senecal: A writer and political consultant, her perspectives appear in a range of media, including NPR Morning Edition, PBS News Hour, The Daily Beast and USA Today. 

●      Chief Technology Officer Todd Carter: Former CEO at SEEEN plc, a video technology company. His team at Resolute Square has a track record of innovation and transformation at startups and enterprises such as Tagasauris,, BBC, Disney, Sky TV and Spotify.

●      Other members of the team have worked for CNET, NASA, the NBA, DIRECT TV, ESPN and MTV.

Resolute Square, a public benefits corporation, is funded by private investors and venture capital. 
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